The easiest and most important financial move you can make

The biggest financial lifesaver​.

You all know I am not one to focus on the negative; however, sometimes I have to be direct to get a message across. Here is the message: You absolutely cannot navigate your money as if life won't happen. Life is made of ups and downs and it will indeed present many challenges. This isn’t an option; it is. Regarding your finances, here are a few things we know will happen:

  • Something will break and you will have to replace it.

  • A friend or family member will have a baby.

  • You will have annual expenses you must pay.

  • A friend or family member will get married.

  • You will have surprise guests visit.

  • There will be a dental or medical emergency.

  • Your car will have a flat tire.

The question is, how will you pay for them when, and I repeat, when they happen?

Very often I see new clients or prospective clients rely solely on their next paycheck or credit cards to pay for life's expectations. This approach keeps you in a place of lack and indebtedness. Financial independence is about freedom, so that energy must shift to that of bounty and surplus. Here’s how to do it.

Go through your last 2 months of spending and find purchases or expenses you can eliminate or scale back. Total those amounts and set up an automatic transfer for that amount into a savings account every pay period or month. This is regardless of if you are currently saving or not. You see, it is your cash reserves that will move your finances to that of abundance. Specifically, it is the act of saving that will save you.

Picture this, a relative announces they are getting married. For you, this involves buying new clothes; possibly traveling to the wedding, which can include accommodations and food; and a gift. For a family, that is quite a bit of money; but because you know life is life and someone is definitely going to get married, you have money set aside for infrequent events. This is a must if you want financial stability. You have to manage your money in accordance with life. It is a harmony of sorts, like going with the grain. Otherwise, you invite stress, worry, depression, limitations, missed opportunities, relationship struggles, and children who will become adults that do not have a healthy relationship with their money.

Someone said to me recently, I like treating myself. I can think of no better treat than being financially sound and comfortably affording the life you want without owing anyone. I cannot think of a better treat than your paycheck being optional or used for very specific reasons like investing, traveling, etc. I cannot think of a better treat, then being able to go without struggling financially "when" you suddenly have to travel to the funeral of a family member or have a medical or dental emergency. I can't think of a better treat than being able to take a spontaneous vacation because you need a mental break. It is all possible by saving and keeping money saved for just those purposes, also known as, life.

Are you ready to move your finances forward? Go to and schedule a free consultation today.


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