What goal have you set for yourself?

As we ease into the end of the third quarter of the year, it is a good time to recalibrate by setting a goal or two. Goals keep you on track with what you want your life to be. They help make the right choices, align your focus, and keep you moving in the direction you want to go. Personally, I don't know how to exist without having a goal in front of me. Not having one feels like I am aimlessly wandering, allowing something or someone to direct my life (*😲*). To be honest, I don't always achieve my goals. However, the work I do towards them seems to provide benefits, such as education and awareness, better habits, meeting interesting and amazing people, and new discoveries and opportunities.

What goal(s) do you have? Let's set one financial and one personal goal together for, no later than, the end of the year. Ready?

  1. Make a list of things you would like to accomplish and then pick one personal and one financial.

  2. Write them down (pen to paper).

  3. Brainstorm ideas on how to achieve them.

  4. *Write down" doable daily or weekly steps you will take towards your goal. If you're planning around your pay schedule, this may be bi-weekly or twice a month for some. Try to stay away from monthly because we want to create new habits and behaviors. Monthly is too long. As an example, if your goal is to pay an extra $300 a month towards debt and you make monthly payments, try setting a goal to save an extra $300 during the month, instead. You can then take the $300 you’ve saved and pay it towards your debt each month. Doing it this way will keep you engaged.

  5. Find a book, video, podcast, group, or expert in your area of focus that will help educate and motivate you.

  6. Set a deadline. I have set two deadlines, one for each goal.

  7. Plan your celebration. This is very, very important. Do not leave it out. When you celebrate, you get a hit of dopamine, which acts as a neurotransmitter sending pleasure signals to your brain. Your brain automatically registers what you did to receive the reward. This includes what's needed to repeat the action, including regulating your attention, learning, and movement. We love dopamine and want to use it to help us.

Are you in? Let's do it together.



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